Viva CircleMe (Android) in Italiano!

Federico Fellini, a great Italian director, used to say: “A different language is a different vision of life.” With this in mind, today we are really excited to launch our first version of CircleMe (Android) in Italian. OK sure, feel free to tell us “Bravissimi!” 😉

We release this ‘local’ version of CircleMe after 4 months from our official launch of CircleMe for Android, which was really successful and saw incredible reviews by publishers such as The Guardian (UK) (“Best Android Apps of the Week”) and TheNextWeb (“Best Apps in December 2013”).

We chose Italian as the first language after English, since our company has strong roots in the country, and Italian Circlers are among one of the TOP-5 communities on the platform.

Hence, if Italian is your mother tongue, or if you just simply like and know the Italian language, it’s time to check the app out (as long as your phone language settings are set to “Italian”) and let us know what you think.

Get your app here:

As an Italian would say: “Benvenuti su CircleMe!” and #bewhatyoulike




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